Tag Archives: parenting
Maine-based independent publishing company launches children’s book at The Briar Patch
I also hope you will be able to join us on Friday at The Briar Patch. The fun begins at 5:30 PM, and we’ll have a poetry reading, an art activity for children in honor of the The Art Walk events, and a signing. I don’t know how well my son is going to sign those books, but, by golly, he’s going to try.
5 tips for bringing St. Patrick’s Day to life with your kids
It’s St. Patrick’s Day! And, if you’re like millions of Americans, there’s a good chance you have some Irish heritage. I come from a long line of proud Irish people, and my husband has an Irish background as well. Our youngest has an Irish name, and this week, as we watch the NCAA tournament, one […]
When every day’s a snow day: Snow day tips from a homeschooling mom
Chinese New Year: It’s the year of the rooster!
Chinese New Year is coming, and it’s the year of the rooster! This is going to mean a lot to my fellow chicken friends. I would love to sit here and pretend I’m this cultured person who has traveled the world and fully appreciates all the beautiful cultures our big world has to offer, but […]
Something you want and something you need: Making the holidays special on a budget
A recipe for adding a little history to your Thanksgiving tradition
I love Thanksgiving. It’s a lot of work and we have no family here in Maine to celebrate with, but our little family has developed some Thanksgiving traditions that are fun and important to us. While I’m a big believer in telling children the truth about our history, I’ve found myself hesitant to deliver to […]
A guide to surviving the holidays for introverted mothers
I have a confession. I’m an introvert. I mean I’m an INFJ, which, according to researchers, is the “rarest” personality type, which feels like a nice way of telling me “you’re weird.” But I know I’m not alone in my introverted ways. In fact, there are now websites devoted to the woes and perks of […]
Back to school with your kids: 5 ways to get involved
Remembering to dream big
This week, I’m late with my post. I have a very good reason for being late. My youngest, my baby, turned 7 this weekend! I actually spent Friday feeling a little guilty that I had not managed to get my blog post up on time, but then I remembered what my blogging self would tell […]