Category Archives: Home
Are meat birds right for you and your homestead?
It’s finally spring here in Maine, and many homesteaders are purchasing their chickens for the season. Some homesteaders will be purchasing egg layers, but some homesteaders will be purchasing chickens for meat as well. If you’ve been considering meat birds for your homestead, I hope the following post will help you make a good decision […]
5 reasons not to buy a bunny or chick for Easter
This weekend, some of us may find ourselves tempted to buy baby chicks or bunnies for Easter presents for the children in our lives, but in general, this is a really bad idea. Unless you’re someone who is experienced in raising rabbits and chickens are are willing to take care of the animals, it’s best […]
Why it’s ok to be the crazy chicken lady
Do your friends send you links to anything and everything chicken they see on Facebook? Do they tease you about your chickens? Do your friends laugh when you mention things like house chickens, chicken swings, and homemade chicken treats? Do you ever try to sneak chickens into the coop, hoping your husband or significant other […]
Meet Maine’s most famous chicken lady
If you keep chickens in Maine, or really anywhere in the United States, chances are, you’ve heard of Fresh Eggs Daily and Lisa Steele. Lisa Steele publishes books, speaks at the national level, and even has her own television program. I first discovered Lisa’s chicken advice when I was searching the web several years ago […]
Is oatmeal a healthy treat for your chickens?
Do you remember when all the nutritionists said that butter was bad for us and that the whipped margarine stuff was so much better? Well, I do. I ate that whipped crap for my entire childhood, only to learn as an adult that the nutritionists were wrong. “Oops,” they said. And this was neither the […]
10 things I wish I knew before I got my first chickens
It’s the season of baby chicks. Chicken people are planning their flocks for the coming year, and people who are considering chickens are seeing baby chicks showing up in the stores. I did my very best research before we became chicken owners. I had wanted chickens for years, so I had plenty of time to […]