All posts by crystaldsands
How homesteading taught me about the importance of Winter Solstice
I was never that much of a nature girl when I was growing up, I guess. I always loved animals, but I don’t think anyone in my family would have guessed that I would grow up, quit a hard-earned administrative job, and become a homesteader. My husband and I have a small-but-growing-more-efficient-by-the-day homestead, and we’ve […]
Shop small business Saturday for the Maine chicken lady in your life
How to help families and animals impacted by the California fires
This Thanksgiving, my husband and I decided to do something a little different. We are homesteaders, and we had a really good year in our harvest overall. So we decided our Thanksgiving dinner this year would be a celebration of our harvest. We haven’t raised turkeys, so we’re having one of the chickens we raised […]
Tips to help you and your chickens make it through the molt
How to make an old Maine flag quilt
The Common Ground Fair for beginners: 2018 edition
It’s my favorite time of year! I love when the leaves begin to turn, the temperatures finally cool, and the Common Ground Fair begins! Last year, I wrote about how overwhelming the Common Ground Fair can be for beginners. It’s easy to see how someone just getting started with farming, gardening, or homesteading might feel […]
5 tips for backyard chicken owners concerned about salmonella outbreaks
Even if you’re not a chicken person, you’ve probably heard about the rise in salmonella outbreaks in the United States in the last few years. This rise in the number of salmonella cases directly corresponds with the rise in the number of people keeping chickens. But every time this issue comes up–and it does keep […]
Luxury chickens are a thing–and I want in!
I think it’s pretty much common knowledge that a lot of people like chickens. In fact, I would argue that we’re right smack dab in the middle of a veritable chicken renaissance these days. Well, it turns out that rich people really like chickens too. And, as you would expect, rich people have so much […]
It’s National Blueberry Muffin Day: Celebrate with these delicious muffins
Our blueberries aren’t quite ripe yet here in Maine, though I did steal one that was pretty close this morning, but I just learned that today is National Blueberry Muffin Day! Of course, blueberry muffins deserve a day! With this important holiday in mind, I thought you might want try this delicious bed-and-breakfast-style blueberry muffin […]