I think it’s pretty much common knowledge that a lot of people like chickens. In fact, I would argue that we’re right smack dab in the middle of a veritable chicken renaissance these days.
Well, it turns out that rich people really like chickens too. And, as you would expect, rich people have so much money in their bank accounts that they are willing to spend some pretty pennies on “fancy” chickens and chicken-related products.
The Guardian recently ran this story on the luxury chicken craze this week, and I have to tell you: I was surprised and yet not surprised at all.
There are companies that are catering to the super wealthy who want to buy chickens. There are designer coops, fancy waterers, t-shirts, and even luxury chickens. When I did a search, I even found a $100,000 chicken coop at Neiman Marcus!
“But what’s a luxury chicken?” You might ask.
Apparently, some of them are heritage breeds, which makes sense. But some are just regular chickens like the Easter Egger. The deal is that these chickens come from super-clean facilities where the chickens are bathing in natural sunlight and given organic food. There are other requirements, I guess, but I am still not sure what makes the chickens “luxury.” At any rate, the baby chickens, unsexed, go for $20 to $50 each, and heritage breeds can go for as much as $350!
As luck would have it, I happen to have a couple of heritage breeds hens myself, and we have a heritage breed rooster, a Welsummer, that we completely lucked into. So, if you’re a rich person reading my post, you should meet our flock. I think you’ll be impressed. They all get to bask in the sunshine all day long, breath fresh Maine air, and do all the things that make chickens completely happy in their fenced ½ acre accommodations.
We’ll start with Poe, our black Easter Egger. Poe lays pale green eggs and enjoys eating grapes, trying to fly, reading books, and pooping. That’s right, our Poe has had a children’s poem published about her. That seems like a luxury chicken to me—well, at least a literary chicken.
And, just to let you know what Poe’s baby chicks look like, here’s her most recent adorable little one!
Our rooster of the flock is a heritage Welsummer. He’s aptly named Rooster. He enjoys crowing in the middle of the night, so we have to go check on things at 3:00 in the morning, guarding his flock, watching humans, and bossing around his hens. His favorite treats are watermelon and Annie’s organic macaroni and cheese.
Next, we have Broody Hen, our sweet Rhode Island Red, named so because she was our first hen to ever go broody. She enjoys begging for treats from any and all humans who visit her property, grooming all the other chickens but especially Rooster, and pooping. She’s in her fourth year and still lays regularly. She also looks great, don’t you think?
Broody Hen also has a recent baby. Check out this cutie pie!
Finally, we have three Blue Laced Red Wyondottes. One is broody right now. The three of them enjoy looking at me suspiciously, pecking my hand when I am checking for eggs, and, of course pooping.
We also have a fantastic pair of Buff Orpingtons, not pictured, but they are young and won’t be available to make baby chicks until the fall. Our Orpingtons, Emily and Charlotte, also lovingly known as “the brats,” enjoy running up to you and demanding treats of any kind no matter how many times a day you step outside. Of course, they also enjoy pooping.
Obviously, these are mixed-breed chicks, but they are bred for sweetness, and with a Welsummer daddy, I think you’ll be pleased with some pretty cool egg colors. And if you have an extra fifty bucks that you would like to spend on a “luxury” baby chick, please, please, please give me a call.