Monthly Archives: March 2017
That giant chicken isn’t terrifying: Just ask chicken people
5 tips for bringing St. Patrick’s Day to life with your kids
It’s St. Patrick’s Day! And, if you’re like millions of Americans, there’s a good chance you have some Irish heritage. I come from a long line of proud Irish people, and my husband has an Irish background as well. Our youngest has an Irish name, and this week, as we watch the NCAA tournament, one […]
Happy birthday, Maine. Thanks for giving me a sense of place.
Backyard homestead: Is it possible to raise a sweet rooster?
I’ve been reading chicken blogs, chicken forums, and following chicken Facebook groups for several years, and I’ve read some mixed reviews of keeping roosters. We had chickens a for quite a while before we made the leap and got a rooster for our flock. We accidentally ended up with two roosters (story below), and so […]
The ACA makes a simpler, farming life possible for our family
I’m a writer, an online professor, a farmer, a wife, and a mom. None of these jobs offer health insurance for me and my family, so our family purchases our health insurance through the Affordable Care Act. We work hard, but we try to work differently. If you read my blog, you know we’re learning […]